Saturday, July 16, 2011

sea food? yesssss please.

I recently went on a trip to Northern Cali with my bff Cassidy. When I say trip...what I really that I ate my way through Northern Cali. Starting with San Fran, continuing down Highway 1 (fresh strawberry stands, the capital of the artichoke, etc), and not slowing down in Monterey and Carmel. Hey, we hiked in Big that's something??? What can I say..when a dietitian goes on vacation, she goes on vacation.

To blog on all the amazing food that entered my mouth would be equally embarrassing and time consuming. Instead, I will feature the seafood....this shall just be a "picture book" so to speak. Enjoy.

Oysters in Carmel. Cassidy hated. I ate the rest.

Scallops with Steamed Spinach and Pollented- Clint Eastwood (former Mayor of Carmel) owns this restaurant - thuuuuuumbs up.

And for my personal favorite...Clam Chowder in a Sourdough Bread Bowl. I ate this twice :)

Tonight I'm having a girlfriend over for dinner. I'm making a salad (to be determined) and Pizza Potpie. She's bringing the wine. Happy Saturday!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Shrimp and Avocado Ceviche

My group of friends recently went to Kansas City, where Micah and I force fed ourselves one amazing meal after the next. Delicious though the trip was, it forced me to see how different my eating habits have become. My pants have been fitting a little too tightly and I'm also worried that the people around me are going to begin think I'm hiding a pregnancy or something... How embarassing.

That having been said, I put Micah and I on a diet. We get one cheat night a week (which is why we are having friends over tonight for grilled pizza), but otherwise, we are no-carb, lots of lean protein, lots of fruits and veggie kind of eaters. Which has been good because I've lost weight and I've been forced to branch out of my cooking comfort zone.

I had never made ceviche before, because it always freaked me out that you prepare the seafood with nothing but the acidity of some limes, but it actually worked. And we didn't get food poisoning.

Shrimp and Avocado Ceviche

1lb frozen shrimp, thawed, peeled, deveined
1/2- 3/4 cup of lime juice- enough to cover shrimp
1 roma tomato, diced
1/2 of a purple onion, diced
1 clove of garlic, minced
1 jalapeno, diced with or without seeds
1 avocado, diced
1 tbsp of worcestershire sauce
1 tbsp of hot sauce
Salt and Pepper to taste

Place shrimp in a medium bowl and cover completely with lime juice. Let shrimp set for at least one hour in the refrigerator, stirring occasionally. Be sure that the acid has fully prepared the shrimp before eating. Cut into a few bigger piece to be completely sure. Combine the remaining ingredients. Enjoy immediately.