Wednesday, February 17, 2010

BEST Banana Pudding

Hi there :) My normal day to post is Saturdays, but since I've neglected the past 2, and no one seems to mind a sporadic post here and there, I'm taking advantage of a day off work and posting today!

I enjoy banana pudding very much - enough to say it's probably in my top 3 dessert choices. When I first tasted Nora Berry's banana pudding I knew it was the best I'd ever
had. This specific dessert is made even more special to me because Nora Berry is the mother of a very important man in my life, Joey. I was first introduced to her pudding on a visit to his hometown in the DFW area, then Joey made it once while we were in college at OU. The first time I loved it, the second time I knew I had to have the recipe!
Today I am sharing the love :)


2 large boxes (or 3 small) of banana instant pudding
Approx. 6 cups milk
1 box vanilla wafers of your choice
Bunch of bananas
1 tub whipped topping

Now, you should know that not all banana pudding is the same. There is a certain ingredient that makes Nora's recipe stand out among the rest....and that ingredient is....

ahhhhlelulah!!! Can you hear the angels singing? ;)

add an 8oz. pkg of cream cheese to your list of ingredients


Soften the cream cheese, then mix with whipped topping. Prepare instant pudding as directed on box (this is where the milk comes into play). Slowly add pudding mixture to the cream cheese/cool whip blend. The pudding should become a pale yellow color. Mix until smooth.

**PAUSE** for a mini-lesson on how to properly peel a banana:
For years I've tried to open bananas by breaking the stem-part off at the end. This resulted, more often than not, in mush. Most people I know also open bananas in this manner - it's how our parents taught us, right? Well, it's time we take a lesson from the monkeys.

If you've ever noticed the way a monkey chooses to peel a banana, you'll note that they do NOT start from the end with the stem! Instead, they pinch the other end of the banana and peel from there, like so

It's much easier with no mush involved!

Slice bananas (as many as desired).

In a dish, layer vanilla wafers, pudding, then sliced bananas.

Repeat until the dish is filled. Garnish the top with crushed wafer cookies.
Listen as your taste buds cheer!

P.S. I made this dessert for the Mesta Park potluck last night and it was a hit! Beulah house church-ers will get the leftovers tonight :)


  1. ... I guess I missed the "how-monkeys-peel-bananas" lesson in school. I'm glad this post has educated me. But seriously, where and when did you first observe a monkey eating a banana and what caused you to experiment peeling methods?

  2. i don't remember who, but some wise fellow actually enlightened me a couple of years ago :)
