Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Scalloped Potatoes

A good friend once told me that the "f" in flavor stands for fat. Even though a fellow contributor is a dietician, and even though I work at a heart hospital, I have to agree with that statement on some level.

My mind knows that healthy food can be tasty, my mouth knows that butter is heaven and heavy cream is from the Lord.

Everything in moderation, right Steph?

So, with that said, here is a very delicious and flavorful recipe for scalloped taters.

I start by slicing 3-4 large potatoes- I like to use red potatoes with the skins still on and I slice them relatively thin so that there are more layers in the end product.

Also, grate about a cup and a half of cheddar cheese (I used cheddar because I had it handy, but it'd be fun to experiment with different cheeses) and a cup of parmesan cheese. Butter the pan you are intending to use.

The concept of scalloped potatoes is similar to layering a lasagna. Throw some potatoes down, then some cheddar then some parmesan, then season, then more potatoes, more cheese. You get it. Seriously, though, don't forget to season each layer. It makes a difference. And reserve a little parmesan for the top. Here are some layering pictures.

So the last real step is adding a milk component to your masterpiece. Here's the deal: you can use heavy cream, you can use fat free milk, you can use a combination. The first time I made it, I used half heavy cream and half 2% milk. The second time, I used fat free milk because it's what I had handy. Both times, the potatoes were goooood.

In a saucepan, heat 2- 2 1/2 cups of milk (less if you prefer dryer potatoes) on low heat. Add 2 cloves of chopped garlic, several sprigs worth of fresh thyme, 1/2 tsp of ground nutmeg, salt, and pepper.

Pour milk mixture over the potatoes, sprinkle remaining parmesan over top layer, cover with foil, bake 375 degrees F for 40 minutes. Remove foil and continue baking for 5 minutes.

Make if for a potluck, like I did. Or eat the entire dish yourself, like I wanted to.

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