Sunday, February 7, 2010

Saturn Grill

Hi! It's Emily again. And I know that I have cooked and baked this week, but I would like to dedicate my blog post today to the Saturn Grill and some of my amazing friends.

A few months ago, my friend Kathy was in town for the day and we spent the whole day Christmas shopping and running errands all over Oklahoma City. For lunch, we stopped at the Saturn Grill in Nichols Hills Plaza. We had a great time taking a break from our busy day of shopping. We also split the chocolate chip bread pudding, which was awesome.

A few weeks ago, my friend Becky visited in town from Seattle and asked me where we should all meet for lunch. We discussed a few options, but ultimately decided on the Saturn Grill.

And finally, yesterday I met my friend of almost ten years, Anna, for lunch at the Saturn Grill, where she told me that she and her husband, Nathan, are expecting their first child in August. This is so exciting for me because I introduced Anna and Nathan in the tenth grade after I had failed my driver's test (I landed it the second time) and they were both nice enough to celebrate my birthday with me and help me enjoy myself and my birthday.

Now anyone that knows me well would not describe me as a sentimental person, but I do hold quite a bit of sentiment for Saturn Grill. Their menu is amazing. I always order something different and am always pleased with whatever I get. I've never been there with anyone that is even unsatisfied with their food. It's been a great place to relax and reconnect with friends. Everyone in there seems to feel comfortable with where they are and, once again, extremely pleased with their dining experience. If you ever get the opportunity to or need a good lunch place in Oklahoma City, I highly recommend this place. And if you haven't had as good experiences as I have, please keep it to yourself. I'd like to continue to think that this place is fantastic.

1 comment:

  1. I found out today that Saturn opened a new location right next door to my hospital! So exciting!
